If you see strange devices on your network manager, it is likely that your Wi-Fi is protected using a WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) protocol. Reasons why you see strange devices on your network This is how a phone (or any other Wi-Fi device for that matter) can actually even begin to connect to a Wi-Fi network. This will even occur if your network is hidden. Because of this, your Wi-Fi network is continuously being scanned intermittently by these devices, and your Wi-Fi network is acknowledging of course that it is available. Phones and some other Wi-Fi devices, but especially phones, are continuously scanning for available networks, even when they are connected to one, to try and find possibly a better one. This article is going to answer the question of why these devices appear and how to get rid of them.įirst of all, you need to know that this is not a security issue.
However, these devices are not visible in the router list. Right clicking and viewing the properties of such devices will show a few details especially the MAC address and manufacturer but not the IP address. There has been concern on online forums about rogue devices, mostly phones, showing up in the Network page of File Manager. For these reasons, you should always change your Wi-Fi password regularly.
Wi-Fi protection is an essential requirement if you want to avoid being hacked, losing data and sharing your Wi-Fi with unauthorized users.